
My canvas the marina, provides endless opportunities to photograph ice images in Menominee, Michigan.

As I photograph the frozen textures of ice from an ariel perspective in my hometown harbor, I try to create a path to stir the imagination so we can look beyond the horizon of our small town.

Whether the surface is soft black, smooth and cracked, fluffy white, windswept feathery etchings, or engraved with snow, there is more to ice than the popular mountains of ice shoves we often see along our shore.

Our marina is far more than a harbor for boats in the summer, in the winter it is like a book being written by the changing weather until the ice disappears in Spring.

Pancake ice floating on the blue water in shapes of clouds, a broken ice shelf that flies like a bird, white lightning cracks across the ice, silhouettes of familiar shapes and faces, are many subjects which inspire the imagination.

A shivering cold winter day looking at ice in our marina becomes a place to dream, a place to warm the soul and to be closer to god.